Tuesday, September 4, 2018

8/30 -- Home and Irish Rain

We had a long day getting back to San Francisco, but thankfully, our plane was due to leave a 12:30pm, so at least we had a reasonable departure time. We flew through Toronto and went through US Immigration and Customs there so all we had to do at SFO was collect our bags, which arrived quickly and walk out to the curb where our son-in-law Jesse and grandson Dylan were already waiting for us -- probably one of the quickest trips through the airport to our car ever!

While we were in Ireland, Holly shared descriptions of the types of rain there (like Eskimos identify a bunch of kinds of snow...).

Irish Rain

  1. Torrential Rain: Unrelenting. Falling rapidly and with force, in copious quantities
  2. Lashing Rain: Diagonal hard rain (think hurricane weather)
  3. Sheets of Rain:  Seems like walls of rain coming down
  4. Heavens Opened:   Sudden onset of strong solid flow of rain
  5. Bucketing Rain:  Out in this rain, you feel like you’re instantly soaked
  6. Pissing Rain:  Vertical hard rain (not as much wind as Lashing Rain)
  7. Wet Rain:  Not necessarily a heavy rain, but one that dampens you and soaks your clothes
  8. Trying to Rain:  The clouds have some in them, but it’s not quite coming down with consistency
  9. Sun Shower:  Raining while sunny out. Perfect rainbow weather
  10. Soft Day:  Cloudy Weather with soft mist or drizzle (typical Irish weather)
  11. Grand Soft Day:  A humid day with a fine, light drizzle
  12. Dry Rain:  Mist that doesn’t get you wet, even though it is technically raining

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