Tuesday, June 27, 2017

6/25 -- Fly Home

Our flights were the best kind: timely and uneventful. When it takes 3 planes to get home and connections at the second airport seem tight, the process can be worrisome, but all went well and we were reunited with our luggage at the end. Once again, our global entry passes made the re-entry process faster and easier.

The only bad part is the length of the travel day. We were up before 4:30 am Sicily time (9 hours ahead of home), on the ground in San Francisco at 6:30pm. and home before 8:30, following a brief visit with Erika's family, who watched our car and provided airport transportation.  With unpacking, we didn't get to bed til after 10 pm, 7am the next day in Sicily.

We have no more international trips planned for now, but certainly will go someplace in 2018. Ireland is a possibility as is a Silk Road trip that could take us to 5 of the 'stan' countries. Africa looks interesting too, and we still haven't gotten to Greece or most of Scandinavia! Keep an eye out to see what we do next!

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