Saturday, September 27, 2014

9/27 -- Drive to Tineghir

Today we left the Sahara and the wide open and mostly barren spaces. We got back on our fancy bus and headed west, and will get to Marrakech in a few more days. We stopped at an interesting irrigation project where there are parallel rows of wells leading from the mountains downhill. Each well in turn is not as deep as the last. One tribe is responsible for each row of wells and the chief determines which family can draw water at specific times. This apparently works well for irrigating. Each well is also connected underground. The tunnels were dug in the 9th century. The whole arrangement allows the various groups to share the water without war fare.
Sarahan 'road'

Uplifted rock in the desert

Top of one well, with others in a row toward
the horizon
In my new scarf, tied in Moroccan fashion
Goats at a public well

Market in Tineghir. Note the sheep on top of the van:
going home for the Eid festival next week.

Ancient door in the carpet store
Our next stop was lunch at Tenijdad, an unimpressive place. We got to Tineghir before our hotel rooms were ready, so we went to a carpet shop which markets carpets from local co-ops, most of which have been lightly used. We were introduced to a variety of styles of carpet. Our host was quite entertaining, and some of the carpets were truly unique. We were kind of looking for something for either the dining or the family room, but the only one I was truly drawn to was bigger than I wanted and more money than I wanted to spend. We recognized that this was merely the starting price, but I didn't want to try to bargain the price down if I wasn't committed to buying it. We said no, and returned to the group. The sales people kept on trying and finally I convinced Jim it would fit either place and we got the price to something more reasonable and bought it.

Our new carpet -- kind of departure from the rest.
Once at our hotel, we both luxuriated in hot showers and caught up on internet activities since we have been off the air for 2 whole days.

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